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"The aim of art is not to represent the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance."

I am Amanda, the one behind the lens!
Wife, mom of 4, and newborn memory catcher! 

Thank you so much for stopping by to learn more about me. I won’t lie, when I sat down to write this about me, it took me a bit.. I started thinking, what is interesting and engaging about me?!? That’s when I realized, I click most with people based on how I relate to them. So let me tell you how we might relate! 

meet amanda

I am a mom of four wild little balls of energy! I knew from a young age I wanted to be a stay at home mom and God has blessed me so greatly not only with the ability to have children, but also with being able to be a stay at home mama and I don’t ever take it for granted! Now that doesn’t mean I don’t ever lock myself in the bathroom just for some peace and quiet, let’s be honest, we all do that right? But I am incredibly thankful to be able to stay home with my kids, which brings me to my WHY?!

 Why did I start this photography gig if I had it so good?!? Well I have always loved photography and the ability to capture moments and the emotion of a moment in a freeze frame, as I watch my kids grow I see them continually change, by the hour it feels like! I want to capture that, not only in my own kids, but for your family too! I became drawn to newborn and family photography specifically when the regret of not getting enough my own family and newborn pictures set in, I want to provide those beautiful memories of such a special time for other families, there is beauty in the chaos, and I want to help you find and feel it. Take a minute, breathe it in and enjoy it! I relate to that chaos, believe me, if you see me on a Tuesday morning at Costco dragging around my kids I’ll give you the nod of solidarity as I power walk down the aisles trying to collect my goods before my kids run out of patience, If you know, you know.

 All this being said, my GOAL here is to say mama I am here for you, I am not going to judge if your kid won’t stop making fart jokes at our session, I will make fart jokes with them, I won’t judge if your hair and make-up aren’t perfect, because mine isn’t either, besides that, perfect is subjective and BORING! I Promise to treat you and your family with the love, care and patience that I would want to be treated with. So what are you waiting for?! Let me capture the beauty in the chaos and make some beautiful memories of you and your family! Let me help you tell your story and document it so years from now you can look back on these precious memories and feel all the beautiful feelings. 

Now that doesn't mean I don't ever lock myself in the bathroom for some peace and quiet.

There is beauty in the chaos, and I want to help you find and feel it.

more about me

my go to starbucks order

Venti Pink Drink with light ice & no inclusions

Favourite Flower:


My enneagram type:

Type 2, wing 3

fun fact about me:

I was homeschooled!

Favourite Bible Verse:

Proverbs 3:5-6

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